Getting serious –
Its time to kick up some serious dust from the reunion dance floor !

Starting a page with immense thanks and gratitude to all those souls who made the event possible both by organizing the event and by joining the event as active members to see it through the way we all had hoped – a success.

We never miss stepped all throughout except at the way we expected a larger turnout and the way we wrongly anticipated the numbers, we have only ourselves to blame or we may blame the light of pride that blinded us from the real world for a while .

We all are not from the same batch !

Not all may take the same pride being an Alumni as the initial batches did. Our pride of being an IHM ite comes from what the schooling at IHM gave us and how it influenced our later lives, how we felt grateful to what IHM did greatly depends on what we are NOW when we compare to what we were THEN, and the difference, for many decides if they want to turn up at the reunion or not. I seriously doubt if the Institute did the same magic to batches which joined in the later years and it is debatable for sure as we saw only increase in facilities and expansion of premises, so was there a wrong doing some where?

Different levels of career ladder.

The majority of the crowd were either seniors who were well settled into their careers and who could afford the time and money or those who just finished academics and college and has not really started with the grind.

All those who passed out around 2002 and after, if they are still with the “hospitality industry” they might be in the middle of their career growth plan or happily negotiating a promotion or even fighting for a survival somewhere in the globe and it will be devilish from our part to expect them to turn up for a night’s meal and a dance, though it was more than that and one had to be at the scene to find out .What an irony!

Migratory Birds

Birds fly (Cocks don’t. ha….) and migrate too. We too had many birds from among our batch mates and they have migrated. The visas and citizenship procedures keeping them busy and many wont surely be here in India to meet some guy or girl (now that’s arguable) who stole their potato peeler years back from near a quantity kitchen burner. Sure we can spare them for not being with us here, after all we are just some bloody Indians yeah.. mate? !!

The FB clickers

We sure are happy to see the immense presence of our IHM KOV mates at the FB. Just one request though, when an event is announced and an invitation is send, you see three options- “Yes, No and Maybe”. Please do not click on all three, even if you have downloaded an application to do just that. Please ..don’t. You don’t need to have balls of steel to choose one, but if you still think you lack any thing there try Nerolac’s new steel coat, but choose only one. (This is a special request from the organizing committee).

Our  e GO!

If I were still working as a captain at a local restaurant it would take iron like confidence and selflessness of predatory nature to shake hands with a hotel general manager who was a class buddy years ago. You might want to intervene and say this happens either because you were not friends or the writer has an incurable level of low esteem. We all can have opinions a million, but there will be only one truth and that is – Size DOES matter ;).
There can be a few who shy away from being seen at a place where it can be a dress parade, when donkeys and cheetahs steal a tiger’s stripe. C’mon … it’s a world out here at IHM KOV and if you were a part of it some time, you are very well a part of it NOW. So welcome!

The organizing committee I feel were all based at Trivandrum, may be not entirely by their choice but by destiny, but it worked for the good anyway. The challenge of the committee was and will be in future to address issues like this and still be able to manage quality Alumni events with optimum representation.

Let me earnestly thank all those who did travel by a flight or a train or a bus or a car or by all of these to reach the venue and share their presence with other similar souls, for it is you who made the laughter merrier, the music louder and sweeter, it is you who made the moments last longer and memorable. We don’t mind a banquet hall not being filled, cause it is hearts that we intend to fill, now and forever.

Cheers Buddies…! Life is once. And no rewind button too.