How i wish to live a pheasant's life - but for the nomad in me.

Its a confusing experience to be on a train, but surely not always. At times the noise and the speed and the wind and the dirt and the smell, it is all too overwhelming and brings out such memories too, and the mind slides into that amalgam of feelings. While on other occasions the fast but constant and steady rocking and the sway along with the ever repeating typical sound can slowly take you to another world of detachment and your thoughts assume a different level from where it feels as though the rest of the world’s business is nothing and suddenly nullified and one goes into a trance of complete blankness.

If this sounds too weird then probably you ought to travel more distances and take you along alone. Let the travels weather you new climates. When the wind blows your eyes close, let the eyes of the mind lead you to places and senses and hold them close to your heart.

Finally it turns out, its not the distance one did travel. Instead, it is how well one did enjoy the travel. Same applies to life as well, the learned have said.


The new monkey in the circus..............

So it will jump and summersault and walk on two hands and eat a banana with the free legs.
World over most of the circus acts are the same. The monkeys always jump to get a
banana, some peanuts or on the swish of a whip. This one too will get its share. At the end of every act the crowd cheers or mocks.

The tiny flickering night stars are out and the monkey walks to the other end of the cage where it has a large opening with barbed wires, with a shiny apple in its one hand and the other gripping the barbs , it looks up to the sky over the trees and wonders if somewhere out there, is a small tree with wild berries to trade the apple for.

Dreams are nice. Especially when they remain as dreams.

The apple lies on the cold iron cage floor, the monkey practices for the next play.